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Infrastructure & Expertise Focus Group

The infrastructure and expertise focus group aims to better understand the landscape of microscopy infrastructure and expertise across Africa.​


This focus group provides data to assist ABIC with identifying microscopy trends, needs and areas of research expertise across the continent. This is done through the information gathered from the microscopy infrastructure and expertise survey. It is hoped that this will be beneficial to users, manufacturers and funders who, together with ABIC, can identify recommendations and interventions to consolidate, grow and support the microscopy community in Africa.​

To contribute to the Infrastructure & Expertise Focus Group send an email to


Infrastructure & Expertise Survey

In an effort to better understand the landscape of microscopy infrastructure and expertise across Africa, the Infrastructure & Access Focus Group has developed the Microscopy Infrastructure & Expertise Survey.

This information from this survey will be used to identify microscopy trends, needs and areas of research expertise across the continent. It is hoped that the information from this survey will be beneficial to users, manufacturers and funders in order to identify recommendations and interventions to consolidate, grow and support the microscopy community in Africa.


Those who complete the survey by Friday, 30 August 2024 will automatically be entered into a lucky draw for one of two Jumia/Zando gift vouchers (depending on your country of residence) or two fun gift hampers including an ABIC mug and other goods.


Focus Group Members

This focus group consists of members from Egypt, Kenya, South Africa, Nigeria and South Africa, and interested commercial partners. 

John Woodland.jpeg

Infrastructure & Expertise Focus Group Lead

John Woodland

Research Officer

Holistic Drug Discovery and Development (H3D) Centre, University of Cape Town

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