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African Inclusive Microscopy (AFINMIC)


AFINMIC aims to create an inclusive scientific community for networking (linking) of students, researchers, microscopy instruments specialists as well as public & private applied science institutes by developing, growing, and supporting sustainable regional microscopy societies in East, West, North and South of Africa by 2030.


Partnering Communities


Biomedical Science Research and Training Centre (BioRTC)

The Biomedical Science Research and Training Centre (BioRTC) aims to provide advanced infrastructure for biomedical research and training of African scientists while also offering access to diverse African human samples and animal models.

Global BioImaging


Global BioImaging aims to cooperate internationally and propose solutions to the challenges faced by the imaging community globally, to build a strong case towards the funders that imaging technologies and research infrastructures are key in the advancement of life sciences, amd to build capacity internationally, leveraging on each other’s strengths and capabilities.


Scientific Community Image Forum is a discussion forum for scientific image software sponsored by the Center for Open Bioimage Analysis (COBA).


Microscopy Society of Southern Africa (MSSA)

MSSA's primary objectives are to further microscopy and related topics in all branches of science, arrange meetings of microscopists (and workers in associated disciplines) in Southern Africa and act as liaison between members of the Society and the IFSEM or other bodies.

South Africa BioImaging (SABI)


SABI is a community-driven network of microscopy users and core facilities across South Africa who aim to promote the application of all forms of imaging to advance life science and biomedical research. 



TReND is a charity supporting scientific capacity building across Africa. We run cutting edge biomedical training courses, provide universities with scientific equipment, run academic volunteering and outreach schemes, and support and work with African researchers.


West African Microscopy & Bioimage Analysis Network (WAMBIAN)

WAMBIAN aims to provide researchers in West Africa with access to advanced equipment, training, and expertise, as well as promote collaboration and interdisciplinary research. Through this, the network aims to help build the capacity of the research community and promote the use of these techniques in the region.

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